A National Certification Examination For Child And Youth Care Workers:


  • Dale Curry Kent State University
  • Basil Qaqis Kent State University
  • Jean Carpenter-Williams The University of Oklahoma
  • Frank Eckles Child and Youth Care Certification Institute
  • Martha Mattingly University of Pittsburgh
  • Carol Stuart Ryerson University
  • Dave Thomas Bryan's House


situational certification examination, competencies, validation


A 100-item situational judgment examination was administered to 775 child and youth care workers from 29 sites in six states in the United States (Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin) and two Ca­nadian provinces (Ontario and British Columbia). The examinees also completed a questionnaire providing feedback regarding face validity, suggestions for improvement, and other relevant feedback to the examination. The supervisors of the examinees also completed a six-item assessment of worker performance (80% of the examinees had supervisors who completed an assessment). An item analysis of the examination was conducted, and the individual examination scores were correlated with the supervisory ratings of worker performance. The item analysis procedures primarily consisted of (1) reliability analysis, (2) difficulty analyses, (3) discrimination analyses, (4) distracter analyses, and (5) differential item functioning (DIF) analyses. The study provided a substantial amount of useful information to help facilitate successful implementation of child and youth care worker certification.




How to Cite

Curry, D. ., Qaqis, B., Carpenter-Williams, J. ., Eckles, F. ., Mattingly, M. ., Stuart, C. ., & Thomas, D. . (2009). A National Certification Examination For Child And Youth Care Workers: . Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, 22, 152–170. Retrieved from https://acycpjournal.pitt.edu/ojs/jcycw/article/view/434




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