Eliciting Theories of Change from Youth Care Workers and Youth Participants


  • Dawn Anderson-Butcher Ohio State University
  • Hal Lawson University of Albany State University of New York
  • Lisa Fallara Ohio State University
  • Gina Furano University of Utah


The present study examines the theories of change espoused by youth care workers and youth participants. Seven workers and nine youths participated in interviews designed to elicit program theories, intervention logics, and causal mechanisms. Several themes emerged, including the importance of relationships between youths and youth care workers; connections to organizations and programs; belonging to peers; and youth-oriented and - responsive programming. While both groups indicated that skill building was important, youth care workers emphasized sport-related skills and youths emphasized the social and life skills. Importantly, youth workers had an activities-centered rather than an out-comes-oriented perspective. These exploratory findings have import for planning, training, and funding priorities.




How to Cite

Anderson-Butcher, D. ., Lawson, H., Fallara, L. ., & Furano, G. . (2002). Eliciting Theories of Change from Youth Care Workers and Youth Participants. Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, 17, 130–150. Retrieved from https://acycpjournal.pitt.edu/ojs/jcycw/article/view/332



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