We can work it out: Weight Training with Adolescents


  • Christopher Gudgeon Victoria, British Columbia


youth weight training


Weight training is catching on. What was once the exclusive sport of muscelbound meatheads is now as trendy as designer jeans. Men, women, children-everyone is pumping iron. And there are benefits behind this hype: regular workouts do incfrease strenght, improve muscle tone and flexibility, and fine-tune the cardiovascular system. This article which is based on my experience with delinquent andd abused teenage boys, looks at ways in which the youth worker can tap the benefits of weight training. It will be particularly useful to those workers who already have a basic understanding of weight training and who have either started to read about it or have spoken with staff at a health club or the "Y". In the first half of the article, I will describe a few of the many ways that I have been able to enhance my work with weights. The second half will be devoted to basic time for getting a weight program started.`




How to Cite

Gudgeon, C. . (1986). We can work it out: Weight Training with Adolescents. Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, 2, 23–26. Retrieved from https://acycpjournal.pitt.edu/ojs/jcycw/article/view/103



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