"Through the Lense of Domestic Violence


  • Susan Gardiner Wood's Homes, Calgary, Alberta
  • Bjorn Johansson Wood's Homes, Calgary, Alberta


The following article describes a treatment approach for working with adolescent males who have witnessed domestic violence and who are demonstrating significant conduct disorders. Direct intervention targeted at domestic violence trauma and child maltreatment issues is outlined as a method of treatment for these youth and their families. The Habitat Program's experience with the first 24 male adolescent clients is reviewed and ideas for clinical intervention are outlined. The article explores the work of the treatment team in managing their own perceptions and experiences regarding violence while working with this group of boys. Mark was a fifteen-year-old male who was referred to the Habitat program by Children's Services due to six placement breakdowns over the past three years. Reports from his parents and social worker described presenting concerns such as drug and alcohol abuse, placement breakdown due to agression, non-compliance, and violence directed at staff, his father, mother's new partner, and his younger sibling. Also, concerns about Attention Deficit Disorder and Conduct Disorder were identified. Mark's difficulties coping with his parents' separation six years ago as well as his struggle with his mother's new partner were raised. The focus of intervention during the past year had been on anger management, creating a stable placement for Mark, and addressing the volatile relationship between Mark and his parents.




How to Cite

Gardiner, S. ., & Johansson, B. (2002). "Through the Lense of Domestic Violence. Journal of Child and Youth Care Work, 17, 85–93. Retrieved from http://acycpjournal.pitt.edu/ojs/jcycw/article/view/328



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