Journal of Child and Youth Care Work: Announcements <p><strong>Journal Update</strong>: Currently the first 25 issues of the <em>Journal for Child and Youth Care Work</em> are being prepared to be uploaded to this site.&nbsp; Please be patient as we enter all of the data.&nbsp; We hope to get the articles that we have received loaded onto this site by August 2019 so please check back then. (June 8, 2019)</p> <p><strong>Welcome to the<em> Journal of the Child and Youth Work</em>&nbsp;(JCYCW)</strong>, an open-source, peer-reviewed, yearly online publication. JCYCW is the official journal of the Association for Child and Youth Care Practice (ACYCP) whose mission is to engage practitioners in building the child and&nbsp;youth care profession through collaborative partnerships, promoting innovative training and education, shaping public policy and informing developmental practice through research and scholarship.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US